Tuesday 27 January 2015

2015- A lot done changed, a lot done stayed the same...

Well, lots of new stuff happening around here. I got sucked back into 'the world™' and all that goes along with it... For a spell. New hobbies/addictions in audio: my new drug of choice is 15ips 2 track Tape, Studer tape machines, an old CBC radio workhorse, open baffle speakers, a brief , ugly foray into computer based digital sounds..
 Move been using headphones a good bit now with the arrival of my new son, 18 months old and drawn to hot tubes , open reel tapes, records, and fabergĂ© eggs even, like a moth to flame.
 I had a custom otl tube headphone amp built and so that's been fun.
The open reel tapes are truly psychedelic, there's a presence that you just don't get from other formats... I can only liken it to being at the recording session and monitoring the mix on 'phones...
Crazy. I now have a garage full of drivers, tape machines, tubes, transformers, tonearms, and amps of all stripes. I went and got a van, so I'm sure I'll have more stuff this summer...
I'm going to start working on the projects more this year. Smoking more cigars, and building more amps.

I'll be sure to add pics when I get home, 2015: cannot add pics to blog with iPhone.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Happy Valen-Times!!

Ok, It's been awhile.. I've been busy busy busy, getting my 'shop' together, 10 percent sweat, 90 percent coffee breaks. Lots to do, I'm getting my soldering station and power supplies together, building a spraybooth, and getting my woodworking area sorted out, bear with me.
 Right now I'm trying to find an old furnace fan for exhaust ventilation , spray paint and cigars don't mix.
Here's what I'm working on right now:
This is an old phono/mic combo preamp and amplifier, I'm rebuilding it and modding it for use as a guitar amp or possibly a harp amp (I've got a beautiful old bentwood Grundig speaker cab that would make a GREAT little harp setup)
 This little baby puts out about 7.5w, I'll need to make some very minor changes to the input section for geetar duty, but I'm leaving the circuit alone.
This one's got a really cool cage too, I'll post more pics when it's primed and painted.
It's going to be Tan/Red....

 Here's a finished little guitar amp, this one's non-vintage, but the circuit is pure, and simple.
One Telefunken EL84 , and a Tele 12ax7, single ended, pushing 10W(!!)
I'm working on a matched cab for it right now, testing drivers...
This one sounds clean and sweet... but maxed, it's like an angry little hornet!

That's it for today, I've gotta go look at some drivers, and more guts... looking to build a Bass rig... but first things first!
If anyone out there wants or needs anything special, or if you wanna check some of these amps out, drop a line!

Sunday 22 January 2012

What's cookin....

This is an amp/cab combo I made from a 1940's era RCA console unit.
Sweet, simple circuit, 6v6 output tube, puts out around 8.5 watts.
 There is a volume control, and a tone control, nothing else in the circuit.
The cab contains the original RCA 12" alnico driver, and a 4" grundig alnico greencone.
Sounds sweet.  This one is ready for a home.

Here's some of my other creations, and toys...
I've been building turntables for the last few years, and now I'm getting into tape, and Reel to Reel machines... I like to build/restore stuff, play with it for awhile, and then sell or trade it, and keep on.... but now my garage is full of stuff.

Thursday 19 January 2012

This is what's happening now...

My name is Harv. I build amps, turntables, cabs, and speakers.... And I'm always working on something new. I try to reclaim, recycle, and re-use as many materials as possible. Generally I stick to American and German iron and circuits. The way I see it, the 1930's to 60's were the 'golden age' of audio design and some of the legendary gear produced in that heyday is still running strong and making people 'sit the hell down and listen' to this day. Most of my amps are simplified versions of original commercial circuits. With little or NOTHING added to the circuit. These things were developed before there was such a thing as "planned obselescence". If you play guitar or seriously listen to music (ie vinyl, hi Rez anything but compressed MP3's) Then you're generally going to belong to one of two camps: Tubes or Solid State. I build and rebuild Tube amps. That's it , that's all... If you're buying an amp from me, it's got tunes in it. I try to stick with single ended designs,low output, and I don't use super high gain or 'overdrive" preamp stages. 5 to 10 watts, and tone. Simple. Classic. You already have your favorite pedals, an you know how you like to use them, so im not gonna add a bunch of 'effects' stages to a perfectly clean and simple circuit. Of you want that beautiful even ordered harmonic distortion that only comes from flogged tubes, you don't have to wear Earplugs to enjoy it. These amps are all great for recording, bedroom, apartment, and gigging (I wouldn't be taking any of them on the road tho) they are all one of a kind, hand crafted, and they all use vintage parts and circuits. I do custom builds as well. I'm going to post some pics of my amps, and tell you all What I'm working on too! If you want something or need something, let me know! I work out of my garage, I don't pay employees, and I'm not a greedy pig. (except when it comes to food, sex, cigars, and all of these other 'ecstasies of man') Okay. It's probably going to get pretty cluttered, chaotic, and weird in here... Things may come to a standstill, and I may lose my train of thought.... But as always, something unique, and completely original will come out of it. Stay tooned, and please for the love of god don't stop doing what you're doing